Monday, December 17, 2012

Elves just want to have fun...

            I have read TONS of blogs over whether or not to use Elf on the Shelf. I have to be honest, I think many people out there are way overreacting about the elf. I understand why some people do not want to use it but please do not put down anyone who chooses to... Now, I will share my use of the elf and how I tie him in with Santa and Jesus for Christmas. 

First of all.. I do not have kids. BUT I have 3 younger brothers who all still believe in Santa... Last year I was babysitting a girl in our neighborhood who has an elf. She was moving him around and tried to convince my brothers they he was real... I was confused! I had never heard of EotS and so I thought it was weird... It wasn't until around Halloween this year that I decided to take a look at the elf (thanks to the 100+ pictures I was seeing on pinterest...). After reading about it and seeing the fun photos, I caved in. I live with my mom, stepdad and 2 of my brothers. Brennan is only 7 and Brayden is 9. This is probably the last year Brayden will believe in Santa so I took the opportunity in hopes of giving him a fun and great Christmas. Also, my mom will be in charge of the elf next year for Brennan because I will be moving out soon. Anyways... I took the story and bent it alittle and decided to have fun with it and made the elf not as creepy. The boys can't touch him (even though they saw the little girl hold hers) and they are ok with that...

Our elf tradition -

Jimmy on the go - His name is Jimmy, I decided on that name when I bought him. I brought him home and showed the boys, Brayden was super excited! :) They know that I bought him and I explained that I picked that one over all the other ones because I felt like that one was for our family. We registered Jimmy on the official website where Santa sent a letter and a certificate for our Elf. I have made a new rule where I am allowed to touch him because I am the "special" person Santa chose in our family. I am allowed to carry Jimmy if we go anywhere and we want to take him AS LONG AS I PLACE HIM BACK IN THE SAME PLACE. Sorry for yelling that but the boys have lectured me about placing him in the same spot as soon as we walk in the door! I only added that because I think it is a fun addition to a trip when you can take your elf.

Jimmy is watching - Not really... Jimmy is there to report back to Santa BUT he does not stalk everyone. He kind of does his own thing with Bernard ( an elf I bought at an antique shop). He takes note of when the boys are misbehaving but he also recognizes good behavior and when the boys mention something they like or want to see him do. I do not ever say "Jimmy is watching you" If I have, it was a joke... However, the boys say it to me often ( I guess I am just naughty). If the boys are awful then they write a letter to Santa explaining what they did and apologizing for bad behavior. (FYI... we have never sent one, Brayden is usually so depressed that I feel bad and give them another chance... they haven't caught on yet because the letter usually gets them to act right.)

Santa letters - We have a little mailbox so the boys can send letters or small gifts to the elves and Santa. They also recieve gifts and letters in the mailbox. If they are super good Jimmy, Bernard or Santa will usually leave a little something for them the next morning. Jimmy and Santa have both left letters saying to remember what Christmas is actually about. Jesus is the reason for the season and you shouldn't forget that! Santa also told Brayden that on Christmas day after all the presents are delivered that he bakes a cake for Jesus and he celebrates his b-day... Who knew, huh?

Why Santa does what he does - They have grown up knowing that Santa brings gifts and that Christmas is a day to celebrate Jesus but they have never been told that Jesus is the main reason for CHRISTmas. So, this year I explained to them that Jesus wants everyone to celebrate his birthday with him so Santa takes gifts to children who pray and behave (for the most part) the way the Bible says we should. Sinners who choose to neglect God just get lumps of coal to match their cold black hearts. I explained it a little more in detail but that gets the point across. Hope I didn't offend anyone with harshness!

Are elves kind of annoying? - I admit Jimmy was a little pricey but I would not return him for anything. I love the little guy and the smile on the boys face everyday is priceless. I have bought Jimmy some clothes (He can fit in doll cothes - yeeeaaa!!). It gives him more of a personality and makes him different than just a red felt elf that was overpriced and just sits in a different spot everyday. If I am paying $29.95 for him we are going to use him up! He moves everynight and usually during the day when the boys are at school (unless sister forgets to move him or doesnt have time). They know that he doesnt move everyday while they are at school but I make sure the elf is in a different spot every morning. My mom also looks for him in the mornings, so it's not just for the kiddos.. it's for the whole family.

Elf invasion - I have gone a little overboard with my new obsession but oh well... The elves I buy this year can be used for decoration next year. I now have 7 of my own, my mom and the boys have 2 each. So we have 13 elves! I am still looking so that might not be all (I have 2 weeks until Christmas). I plan on having an elf party soon so I can bring all of mine out that I have found. I am excited for our party! :) The boys have written to several elves and ask Santa questions (ex. Who is your fasted elf?) Then the boys recieve letters from the elves. The tricky part is the handwriting, to save ink I just handwrite them but if you don't have time for that then you can type them in different fonts on Christmas paper to keep it interesting.

Elf antics - the elves don't have to be "naughty" why would they be naughty when they are teaching the kids to be nice? Jimmy likes to play in the Christmas stuff. He never steals money from piggy banks or makes a mess in the kitchen. We have fun, CLEAN fun. There are so many ideas you can create yourself if you just look around the house there are tons of ideas waiting to be noticed!

Family time - the boys and I spend time together reading the elf book. We also write the letters together and we each have a book that we write Jimmy and Bernards adventures in. We add a picture each day as well as where they were, who they wrote letters to, what was in the mailbox... etc... It is a great way to spend time together and have fun discussing our new Christmas tradition.